A Blog about Wargames and wargamers. Discussion of rule sets, painting techniques, different models, figures, links to manufacturers, reviews of all of the above, and other gamer resources. Not all Gamers, not all modelers - a blend of both! You are at http://tabletopgamer.blogspot.com Your hosts are Bwana Bill, Krazy Keith, and Consul Scipio. Thank you for visiting our little slice of the World Wide Web!

Friday, March 17, 2006

"Cold Wars" or Bust!

Well everybody, it is the morning of March 17, 2006, but am I planning to celebrate St. Patick's Day? Heck no! Not only am I not Irish, I'm hitting the road for that sun and fun capital of the world, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and I'm going to the HMGS East "Cold Wars" convention! If any of you have not been to this annual event you really need to try to make it some day. You won't regret it. The theme of this year's convention is the "Rise and Fall of Rome: A Millenium of War."

All the details can be found here.

I am hoping to participate in a lot of World War II "Flames of War" action for all you mavens of mechanized mayhem, and a lot "Sword and the Flame" action for all you round-eyed imperialists! We'll discuss it all when I get back! Hope to see you there!

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