A Blog about Wargames and wargamers. Discussion of rule sets, painting techniques, different models, figures, links to manufacturers, reviews of all of the above, and other gamer resources. Not all Gamers, not all modelers - a blend of both! You are at http://tabletopgamer.blogspot.com Your hosts are Bwana Bill, Krazy Keith, and Consul Scipio. Thank you for visiting our little slice of the World Wide Web!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

And of course, the requisite belly shot. This would be the last thing the allies see, as I plant a template on their chuckling backsides! How's it feel to be templated by a bi-plane!? :-)

I happily say it again, if you haven't stopped in to see Dave at a convention or purchased one of his aircraft yet, you need to do so! They are really beautiful models and paint up so nice!

Next, my desert camo P-40 which will provide air support for my All American Airborne division in the desert. Posted by Picasa

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