The first picture below shows what the Romans are going to look like. They seem pretty nice, don't you think? There will be 48 figures in the box and it will be sold for only $29.95! That is only 62 cents for figure. This could turn out to be an extremely interesting, and perhaps revolutionary, development in the wargaming hobby! We'll see, right?
The second picture is the art work for the exterior of the first boxed set. I love that picture! What a dramatic concept of what a volley of pilum would have looked like! I have never seen such an awe inpiring depiction of this before. Now you know why you would not want to be on the receiving end of that! I wish I could buy it as a print suitable for framing!

This i s great info.....
Its strange that the plastic figure were used for for gaming ancient warfare. Very strange.
Plastic Card
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