A Blog about Wargames and wargamers. Discussion of rule sets, painting techniques, different models, figures, links to manufacturers, reviews of all of the above, and other gamer resources. Not all Gamers, not all modelers - a blend of both! You are at http://tabletopgamer.blogspot.com Your hosts are Bwana Bill, Krazy Keith, and Consul Scipio. Thank you for visiting our little slice of the World Wide Web!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A closeup of the carnage. The platoon commander passes his morale check and holds for one more turn. The Luchs and 231s are surrounding the Tiger (objective). In the next turn, the T-34 commander will die bravely and the Luchs will advance past the village to occupy a bridge that is critical to the advance on the second objective. Posted by Picasa

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