A Blog about Wargames and wargamers. Discussion of rule sets, painting techniques, different models, figures, links to manufacturers, reviews of all of the above, and other gamer resources. Not all Gamers, not all modelers - a blend of both! You are at http://tabletopgamer.blogspot.com Your hosts are Bwana Bill, Krazy Keith, and Consul Scipio. Thank you for visiting our little slice of the World Wide Web!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Beware the Roaring Silence

Bwana Bill and I have been awfully quiet lately, so I felt a note of explanation to our loyal readers was in order.

So, first off, allow me to appologize for not posting a short note earlier!

Bwana Bill's computer took a hard power hit in the recent thunderstorms that blew through our area, plus he was unable to work at his jobs normal location due to flooding and some serious damage to the building he normally works in. That ate into his time quite a bit!

Me? I've just been busier than a one-armed paper hanger. That's not to say Bill hasn't been busy too! We are both building and painting like crazy!

Bill is working on his Panzer Grenadiers (Deutche Afrika Korps) and DAK Panzer Platoons while I'm painting away on a new Light Armoured Company as well as a Motor Company. In addition, I'm painting some more of my Compagnia Bersaglieri
and finishing up my Ariete Division tanks to support them!

So, what's all that about you ask?

We are planning on running a game at Fall-In this year based on the battles on and around the airfield at Sidi Rezegh!

I've written a few special rules, so this won't be 'straight up' Flames of War; however it should be very interesting.

So, bear with us as we paint and prepare. Once we have the terrain built, the tanks, guns, infantry and all painted 'good enough' to game with, we'll be taking some photos of our 'test' games. We want to achieve a bit of balance so that no one has a complete wipeout.

That's our story, and we're sticking to it!

Meanwhile, have a look at the map below; imagine the confusion as multiple divisions attacked, poorly coordinated, while the New Zealanders dug in and attempted to defend their gains.

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