Nevertheless, the whole thing was very popular but the people who started it soon went out of business. After that the gaming group we were in just faded away. However, over the years I have always seen these rules in use at the HMGS East conventions and I wondered where they are getting the stuff. Now I find out that there is another company that took over the printing and sale of the rules and all the figures. Check out this link at Pacific Sky Games and you will see what I mean. By the way, any 28mm WWII figures can be used with these rules. You can also use any 1:48 or 1:50 scale vehicles. Also, if you want a set of WWII 28mm rules that ARE conducive to large games you need to look no further than "Disposable Heroes & Coffin for Seven Brothers" from Iron Ivan games. See my previous posts on this.

1 comment:
It's my favorite game.
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